Are you the administrator of the Friday CRM account? Do you want to know if other managers have integrated their emails or not?

A few simple steps to know if users haму integrated their emails 

Go to Settings ->Users, Access. If you see the Gmail icon opposite users, it means that they have contacted their emails and Friday CRM. 

The system displays how the user has customized integration.

The icon shows if the user has integrated their email only for receiving new messages or sending their emails. Or maybe he or she has allowed other managers to use their email.

What if I do not want certain emails to be imported into Friday CRM?

You can set up move-to-trash. In this case, they won’t be displayed in your account, because emails from “Trash” and “Spam” folders are not uploaded.

What if you need to integrate more than one email?

If you want to set up integration with other emails, you need to add a new user or make sure that you have already created it. In another browser log into a Google account that you would like to connect to Friday CRM. Then open the login Friday CRM page and sign in with Google. In Personal Settings, set up the integration with another email.

Once you have connected your Gmail with Friday CRM, you can start sending emails in the interface right away.

Friday CRM works well in any company from contracting companies to consulting ones. Don’t put off composing emails in Friday CRM and get the ball rolling.