Information about calls includes:
- date and time of calling
- runtime of conversation
- receiving phone number and person/company (if the data is available in the base)
- calling phone number and person/company (if the data is available in the base)
- name of manager participating in the talk
- phone number and extension
- direction: outgoing successful, missed, incoming, answered, etc.
Unidentified calls. The Link call to company or person option ensures prompt creation of a new contact or addition of data to the existing contact and eliminates issues of unidentified calls and messages.
The option is available in the Activities section for every unknown phone number.
To link the phone number to the existing contact it is necessary to:
- Select the Link call to company or person in the area of unidentified call
- In the opened search field, start typing the name of company/person to which the call or message should be linked
- Click on the necessary suggestion proposed by the system
- Completed activities will be shown in the history of the contact indicated
- The calls which were first unidentified will be shown in the Activities section in the frame of particular Contact
Using this option, you can quickly create a new contact for the unidentified call:
- Select the Link call to company or person option in the area of unidentified calls
- In the opened form, select the Add company or person option
- The system will automatically redirect to the profile of the new contact with the phone number already entered
- Finish the profile editing
- Save changes
Calls are displayed in Friday CRM when it is integrated with telephony. Learn more about the telephony features and steps to get connected.