The profile page contains
On the left. Block with contact details
On the right. Activities block (event history)
Details of the company (e.g., tag, addresses, phones, website, etc.) and of its employees (full name, position, email, etc.) required for work are listed on a separate page designated as the Company Profile.
The information is manually entered by the manager and is available for editing.
The company may assign specific tags by selecting them from the list of existing tags or creating new ones. These tags facilitate generation of the company lists for analyzing the client base, email marketing campaigns, and other tasks. For example, #permanentclient #vip #new
The Company profile may display related persons and employees with indication of their job functions.
The section has a button to create and add a deal, both for the company as a whole and for its individual representatives.
Additionally, the contact details block contains data on the number of active and completed Deals.

When clicked, it redirects to the Deals.
If one of the company’s persons has a higher priority, usually when it comes to communication, then he/she is marked with a Star. The preferred person moves to the top of the list.

If one of the company’s persons does not participate in negotiations any longer for any reason (whether due to dismissal or promotion), instead of deleting him or her, it is recommended to mark this person as inactive by pressing the Pause icon. The contact details of such person will be displayed as crossed-out. This person may be reactivated by pressing Play.

The following information is saved in the interaction history block with clients (company or person):
- outgoing, incoming and missed calls
- sent and received letters associated with the company or its particular employee
- notes to the calls, meeting and emails. They are provided with relevant tags and name of the manager who made them.
The following information is saved in the interaction history block with clients (company or person):
- outgoing, incoming and missed calls
- sent and received letters associated with the company or its particular employee
- notes to the calls, meeting and emails. They are provided with relevant tags and name of the manager who made them.
It is important that all activities and notes with regard to the contact (e.g., company) stated in the Deal are also conveniently displayed in the history block inside the contact profile (e.g., company). In this way, the dynamic history of interaction with the company or person will be saved.
The Discuss optionis also conveniently available as an option in the drop-down menu when you click on the button Actions. Learn more about the option in the summary below.