03.02 – Deal Profile – DEAL INTERFACE

Deal profile interface consists of the following blocks:

А. Main information

B. Activities (events) block

C. Block for creating a note, an email and a task

Deal Profile page

А. Main block is intended for general information:

The Deals may be assigned with specific tags (by selecting from the list of existing tags or creating new ones). These tags facilitate generation of Deal lists for distributing, counting results, and other tasks. For example, #Madrid #Bonus #Cash

B. Activities (events) block

This block contains notes, activities and events of the users, calls, email, and system messages.

Learn more about Activities in the summary

C. Block for creating a note, an email and a task


The manager can annotate any activity, whether a call or a meeting. Such annotations may reflect key milestones of discussion, important issues of the project, or a plan of further action. Every note is usually marked with the corresponding tag that facilitates subsequent filtration and count of activities for analytics, quick search of information, and manager activity control. To leave a note just click Create a note at the top.


In the Deal profile you can compose an email. Click Send email at the top. In the email form you can create a prompt email and send it or pick a time for schedule send.

Linking Deals to activities 

Any activity, upon its creation, is linked to the Deal automatically, provided, however, that the Deal is active (e.g., it is at any stage except for those completed with success or failure).

Linking Deals to contacts

The Deal is usually linked to a contact. 

When a new Deal is created, it is recommended to do it from the contact profile (click Actions->Link deal to company or person). In doing so, the Deal will be linked with the contact.

The contact may be the existing one or a new one. 

Linking the already created Deal to the existing contact is performed in just a few steps:  

  1. Click on the Link Deal to company or person button
  2. Start typing company name in the opened field
  3. Select required company/person from proposed suggestions by clicking on it
  4. The Deal will be automatically linked with the indicated contact
Linking Deal to existing contact

New contact (both а person and a company) can be created directly in the profile of opened Deal by indicating, for example, company details:

Example of data entered for the person (when inside of the Deal profile)

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