How to set up custom fields to categorize deals?

Do you have a more sophisticated deal process, and details about the amount of money, funnel stage aren’t enough anymore? In this case you may need additional fields.

How to set up Custom Fields?

You can set them up with the function Custom fields on the settings.

Go to Settings. Click the Custom Fields tab. Select Deals fields.

How to set up Custom Fields

In the field you can see three elements: the drop-down menu to choose the field type, the field to input the name of the field and lastly field parameters.

Nine options

In the drop-down menu you have nine options of field types.

Your choice depends on the procedure of deals and data that the management has taken into account.

Another way that will help you to categorize your deals as well

Don’t forget about tags. In some cases, it’s more practical to use them than custom fields.

As you have learned, adding extra details about a deal is not complicated. Hundreds of our users from contracting companies, agencies, and other businesses have already done it.

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